showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Circus Charlie  Soft Pro (Konami)1986[media=youtube][/media]***In Circus Charlie you play a young clown through five side scrolling stages, which eventually repeat itself endlessly. The arcade original featured a sixth stage which was omitted from the Famicom version. In the first stage you ride a lion and have to jump through circles of fire. The second (extremely easy) stage lets you jump over monkeys; in the third stage you must jump from one circus ball onto another. In the last two stages you have to ride on a horse and finally swing yourself from rope to rope. The game is playable, but since it is pretty easy to finish all levels in a few minutes, the game has no long motivating content and you have virutally seen everything the game has to offer. Graphics and sound are nothing special and merely average even for a rather early Famicom game. labelimageminimize
Circus Caper  Toho (Advance Communication Company)1989The original Japanese version was based on a manga/anime series. The US version underwent quite a lot of changes, including a good amount of graphics and removes any reference to the manga/anime.***Thrills, action and fantasy! Circuses are always full of dreams and hope. A big circus comes to a city where Tim and his sister Judy live. However, they can afford only one ticket. Tim kindly gives it to the little girl, "Thanks, brother," Judy says. "Be sure to meet me at the exit after the show." But Judy fails to appear after the show. Mr. Magic, boss of the circus, looms in front of Tim who is anxiously waiting. "You'd better give up on your sister," the malicious magician chuckles, as he tells the boy he kidnapped Judy. "Shucks!" Tim shouts. "You can't do that!" Tim rushes in to rescue his sister. Wicked clowns, tightrope artists, and ferocious animals attack Tim, who fights with a yo-yo, a hammer and a soccer ball. Go, Tim! Beat them all and get the key to the tent where Judy is confined. Rescue her as soon as possible!***NES-M7-USA
1 player only

Judy has been kidnapped by the evil ringmaster Mr. Magic. Now her older brother Tim must rescue her side-scrolling platformer style. Punch clowns, jump across alligator heads, play carnival games.